Thursday, March 26, 2009

And now, the story's told


So, you found something that took the pressure off you? Girl you need things like that.


I know, or maybe I just don't believe it by myself, that's why I conjured you up and got the storyteller involved.


Hay, you don't need an excuse to make things up when it's just too much for your own dear self now girls. The point of being is not to make it as rough it can possibly get. Destiny made you 'born' with the stars at your back and the moon in your pocket, but the sun's always in your heart. So, Mokihana what is it you found to take the pressure off?


Here's the code. Maybe someone will be in need of it.

"Once upon a time" ... "

TRANSLATION: This is a time that makes no sense to me. If it were somebody else's some time, I might be less contorted. Let me see if I can get to a some place where my heart feels safe, and my mind keen. There is great power and grand memories to be had when a person starts to write her own fairy tale. It is not a new thing and is probably the oldest of remedies for a soul that has become lost.

The story of Sam and Sally began at a sometime that made no sense to me. I was living a nightmare in full light, in a place once my home of origin. No one and no place fit into the dealings of my life with my dear man Pete. It must have been that our realities were stolen or mislaid.

Environmental chaos and the rules that govern the making of poisons, toxins and altered realities/foods/product create a fairy tale of wickedness and dark forces. Inconvenient truth such as illness cured when all those rules and poison-makings change or stop are the stuff of classic tales.

Sam and Sally had a tale to be told and someone needed to narrate the ups, downs, over and throughs for the two old dears. It was essential to have the story told, lest the courage and transformation shrivel like last years apples unpicked.

The blog Sam and Sally is pau ... done for now. It will be part of a new transformation to come very soon. I hope this blog has given you hope, educated you perhaps, inspired you to tell your fairy tale. It matters that the story is told. Tell yours.

Thank you Kay,Thank you Clarissa Pinkola Estees, Thank you Aunty Lily.

Aloha, Mokihana

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