Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dear Sal ... A Valentine

Clip Art Credit www.designedtoat.com
My dear Sal,

Ah how delighted I am to see the blossoming of your life these past months. My vantage point is such a privileged one you know, I observe the ebb and flow of your journey, record the bits and bundles when you have scant reserve to explain it. I call on the Gallery of Muses that hold store of lives like yours, asking them for the images and words that might fill your gaps. They are always available to you and to me. Sometimes you are caught in a kink or illusion of deprivation and I wince because I know you are feeling pain. A storyteller cannot take pain away, I am not without feelings myself, it is simply not my role to remove YOUR experiences. What I have witnessed in the weeks ending last year, and the time since the new year began is a gathering of your angels. They are in your life so much more, dear gal. Of course, you sense them and I hear your conversations and your increasing cheer.

The human body is a vessel of incredible treasure. Yours is one of those the gods invested with the memory of heaven in the senses. The Planet is a mirror of the memory of heaven, and like you she has the ability and resources to clean and clear herself. What I have seen in you and in others like you who have cellular memory of heaven in Earth Bodies is how you either complement or react to the seasons of change this planet is experiencing. As Earth clears or clogs I witness your body do similarly. The Earth tires, you tire. The watching is not easy ... talk about wincing ! Human kind has turned their role as part of ALL and created illusions of territory and control over others. That illusion is being recycled ... all matter remains, it transforms from one state to the other.

Dear one, I see the transformation in you as your soul being expands, clears and becomes infant, new and shining. Your life on Earth is truly an aging in reverse journey as was written in your Star Chart. To be with you as you age in reverse is a Storyteller's version of 'justice.' Ah, the appetite for words ... 'justice', 'just desserts', reward, abundance. I write to you my cherished Sal in the manner of one of your favorite storytellers Jane Austin to reinforce and affirm your appreciation for a well-written, perfectly timed letter. Open and read this, knowing you are loved in every imaginable and unimaginable ways.

Love you always,

Your Storyteller

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