Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Sustaining Soul

I hear their door will be ready today. I hear a lot in my line of work and see a lot more when the quiet of darkness covers up the bright lights of day. Winter is a funny season, often so much darker than most springs or summers, there's always a lot going on underground. The beautiful little home our dear friends Sam and Sal are building tests their comfort with waiting. How long has it been? A few months. A good few months of letting the pieces of their newly forming life experience the seasons. This is a LIFE the Tall and Round one are creating and a life takes time and though our friends have not lived with the extreme visible evidence of winter for many years, each of them has weathered decades of the dark season. I have heard Sam has weathered many earth winters in his lifetimes on The Planet. For that, I am thankful. My girl Sal is a new soul to this globe with gifts that sometime scare her, and smelling her way through the daily routine of being human can wear her down. The sensitivities challenge her to speak up, come out from the shadows and ride that internal combustion engine that is her divine and sustaining soul. "How do I do this?" I have heard her pray after she has given voice to an expression of such passion she is unsure of its source. Does her voice offend, she questions herself. Will an anger spear penetrate her vulnerable self and leave her without resource? I have watched her squirm inside her skin unsure of the next moment.

Our dear Sal is experiencing her first season of winter darkness without the dual soul reality she has lived since she was a teen. Strange, you might be thinking. How does a being live with two souls at once. Well, that is the nature of this story. Humans have such an infancy of experience with their soul. The doings and goings on-ness of making a living tires most humans or amplifies their adrenals to the point of exhaustion leaving so little time to become friendly with their souls. Remember that 'fortune teller' Sal met this fall? She was really no fortune teller, rather a spirtual connecting rod trained and gifted to be of service to you human beings primed to begin or nurture an intimate relationship with your sustaining soul. What Sally Round learned through her Akashic Record Reading changes the way she hears, and maybe more importantly it is changing the way she makes use of time that surrounds her now. Like being able to function in parallel universes, Sal judges her past a little less and gets why she has 'trust issues' with those who would beguile her with promises of security. This first winter without two souls means our gal has a more direct connection to her very evolved soul who still needs practice being human. I hear their door is going to be ready this afternoon, and I heard the door splits in the middle allowing passage for the small and tall spirits. That will be convenient, you think?


  1. Hi Sally, I sure understand Sal's confusion at how to interact in the world with her sensitivities to the chemicals so prevelant out in it. So much we canaries want to do and say and MCS sure does make it a challenge to get into the mix of the world and speak out.

    Are Sal's dual soul's her pre-MCS able to be out in the world, working, playing, speaking etc., as well as the part of her longing to still be able to act as that self and is the part of herself that has changed through the learning and experiences that illness and being different bring?

    Is her one soulness she feels as she begins the year, is this the peace she is finding with both past and present, or in other words "what is"?

    You beautifully weave the reality of life with MCS and chronic illnesses through your story telling Sally, Kerry

  2. Kerry,

    Thank you for your thoughts. These are very good questions. It's interesting how my mind and my soul consider the answers I could give. You see, when I write FOR SALLY I am The Storyteller. When I am Sally, there is a different voice. I will take more time with your thoughts, and reply again later, okay?

    You may find our newest blog www.makuaoo.blogspot.com an interesting place to ponder and find answers, too. It is for exactly the reasons you describe in your comments and questions, that I have birthed MAKUA O`o ... the answers you seek are part of the spiritual threads.

    I love this! Mokihana


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